St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Good Morning,

Return to school information for parents:

I know some parents have emailed school with lots of questions about the return so I will try to answer all of them within this update.

*Children can wear their own clothes or, if you prefer, school uniform. Please ensure though that footwear is suitable for physical activity.

*PE kits will not be needed. They can stay in own clothes for sport. Any PE kits which were left in school will be sent home on Monday with your child.
*As the Minister has stated, attendance is optional until September. If you choose not to send your child back to school, home learning will still be provided for them.
If you do not intend to send your child(ren) back on Monday 22nd and would still like home learning provided each Monday, please let us know before 3.30pm on Friday 19th so staff can be allocated to this task.

*Children can bring in their own pencil case if they prefer. This is optional. School equipment will be provided as normal.

*There will be no homework set now until September.

*Reading books will be sent home as normal. Please return any reading books from home.

*If your child borrowed an iPad please return them on Monday 22nd. All iPads are being updated on this date so we need all devices back in school.

*If your child would like to bring in any home learning in to share with their teachers and class please do.

*Start and end of school day times remain the same. 8.55am - 3.25pm (KS1) and 3.30pm (KS2). Please drop off on the school yard.

*There will be no hot dinners provided in school. Children who receive Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch at school. Children can bring a packed lunch in from home. If you would like to pay for school to provide a lunch via parent pay you can - £2.30 per day.

*Water fountains will not be in use (incase children place their mouths on them), so please ensure that the children bring in a drink to last the whole day.

*Children will need a snack each day.

*All school routines will be as normal - playtimes/lunchtimes etc.

*There will be no whole school assemblies.

Cleaning staff have been increased and there will be increased cleaning regimes around school. Door handles and communal areas will be cleaned throughout the whole day.

Hygiene procedures will be followed. Children will be asked to wash hands on arrival etc and good hygiene followed. Extra hand washing stations for the dining room have been purchased and are in place ready for Monday. If you would like your child to bring in their own hand wash please ensure it is labelled and given to the teacher.

During the school closure teachers wrote a report for each child. No attainment levels will be reported for Year 2 and Year 6 this year on the report. The attendance mark given is up to and including 23rd March when schools closed. These will be sent home with the children with the new consent forms for next year. If your child is not back in school, reports will be posted out to you.

If you still have anymore enquiries or questions please email in or phone the school office.

I just want to say a huge thank you to all the parents who have been so supportive during the school closure. This really has made a big difference to myself and staff. We are in such a fortunate position on the island to be able to be welcoming all the children back. I am incredibly proud of our island.