Food Bank Collection
Published in the Blog
Thank you to everyone who helped us collect for the IOM Foodbank. Your donations will be gratefully received.
The children are at the heart of everything we do.
Thank you to everyone who helped us collect for the IOM Foodbank. Your donations will be gratefully received.
Please find this Week's Wednesday Word. We are celebrating the 3rd week of Advent. We also have a bumper edition which will take us through the Feast of Christmas. Christmas_Holiday_Special_.pdf
Children in Need 2023 Many thanks to everyone who supported Children in Need this year. We raised a brilliant £232.70. Amazing achievement, THANK YOU!
Look at our amazing children who have all achieved in various activities outside of school. Well done to all!
Please find attached this week's Wednesday celebrating the second week of Advent. Hope.pdf
Please find attached this week's Wednesday Word. We are about to begin the season of Advent. Prayer.pdf