Wednesday Word 9th October
Published in the Blog
Good Morning please find attached this week's Wednesday Word. Happiness_.pdf
The children are at the heart of everything we do.
Good Morning please find attached this week's Wednesday Word. Happiness_.pdf
Please find attached this week's Wednesday Word. October is also the month of the Rosary. Openness.pdf
We welcomed Ben McMullen, Deputy Director, from the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Ben walked around the school and met lots of the children. We are looking forward to training alongside the Archdiocese ready to implement the new RE curriculum.
Congratulations to our new House and Vice Captains. All made speeches to our KS2 children who voted their new representative. I am sure they will lead their House well!
Good morning, please find attached this week's Wednesday Word. Goodness.pdf
Our KS2 Choir represented St Mary's at the annual civic Sunday as Mass on Sunday. They sang their hearts out and were wonderful. Well done Choir.
Our first set of certificates for Thinker of the week. These children have been using metacognition in their learning this week.
What a week for celebrating achievements outside of school! A range of activities and events that some of our children have achieved in. Well done all.