St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Today, in Year 5, we completed two tasks focused around our listening skills and our appreciation.

The first tasks involved us 'listening and looking' to create a piece of origami. Out first attempt wasn't the best but we reflected and had another go! On our second attempt, we listened carefully and watched the example closely.


Our second task was centred around 'appreciation'. We had a task to complete in 2 scenarios.

The first scenario involved glue sticks with no lids, felt tips with no lids, coloured pencils that weren't sharpened.

This is how we felt completing this:

'This is so ridiculous'

'It's making me so mad'

'I'm just so disappointed to think that me and my class can't look after what we've been given'.

The second scenario involved new felt tips, new pencils and new glue sticks. This is how we felt:

'We should be more thankful for everything we have'

'I think we should be more careful when looking after our resources'

'Some people aren't as lucky as us to have so many things. We need to look after them'.

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Year 4/5 MR

Mrs Robertson's class

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