St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Step 1 for achieving the Eco Schools Green Flag is having a Eco Committee.


This is our Eco Committee. Anyone in the school eco club who wished to be part of the Eco Committee could put their name forward. We then asked those interested to give a little speech and answers some questions about their ideas for Eco club and how we can make our school more eco friendly. The Eco club then voted for one person from each year group in KS2 who they would like to be on the Eco Committee. This is how we established our committee.

The committee meets as often as possible (once or twice a term) Zane is the chair person, Eve is the Secretary and Jasmine is the treasurer.

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Green Flag 7 Steps 2023/24

Here are the 7 Steps Eco Club have to complete to get their Eco Schools Green Flag.

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