Here are the 7 Steps Eco Club have to complete to get their Eco Schools Green Flag.
Green Flag 7 Steps 2023/24

The children are at the heart of everything we do.
Here are the 7 Steps Eco Club have to complete to get their Eco Schools Green Flag.
More in the section Green Flag 7 Steps 2023/24:
Step 1 for achieving the Eco Schools Green Flag is having a Eco Committee. This is our Eco Committee. Anyone in the school eco club who wished to be part of the Eco Committee could put their name forward. We then asked those interested to give a little speech and answers some questions about their…
This is the step 2 to achieving our Eco Schools Green Flag. We had to review where the school was at the beginning of the year. We went through each of the 10 areas of Eco Schools. We used this to select 3 areas to focus on this year. Eco_review.pdf
This is the action plan the Eco Club have been working on this year. We have been concentrating on 3 areas - Water, Waste and Energy. Action_Plan_in_progress_.docx
Year 4/ 5 have done a project on the rainforest. The impact of the rainforest on our planet and how it effects climate change. They have looked at deforestation and the impact it has on the tribes, animals and plants that live there. This links to biodiversity and global citizenship. In Year 3 they…
Step 5 is how we have informed and involved people outside the Eco Club. All children and staff supported the Fairtrade tuck shop Posters to encourage everyone to turn off taps to save water. Staff turning off projectors and lights. With the support of the Eco Club all children have been helping wi…
This is what our Eco Club have been doing this year. Our Eco club had grown in size and popularity this year. We came up with the idea to split into different groups to focus on different areas. (milk carton recycling, electricity monitoring, water monitoring, compost and evidence collecting) We ha…
Here is this years Eco Code for St. Mary's.