St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Year 4/ 5 have done a project on the rainforest.

The impact of the rainforest on our planet and how it effects climate change.

They have looked at deforestation and the impact it has on the tribes, animals and plants that live there.

This links to biodiversity and global citizenship.

In Year 3 they have done a terms project on food around the world.

They have looked at different food products produced locally and why we should consider buying local. They explored the impact for this on the farmers, environment and island life. Within the project they explored the airmails food travels and the fairness in pay. (Fairtrade)

This links to global citizenship.

In Year 1/2 they have done a term project on the Ocean.

They have looked at the Irish Sea and the animals and plants that live there. They have compared this to the Pacific Ocean and the animals and plants that live there. They then focused on the pollution in each of these locations and the impact this has on the wildlife and natural beauty. The ended their project trying to help the situation locally with a beach clean.

This links to Marine and litter.







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Green Flag 7 Steps 2023/24

Here are the 7 Steps Eco Club have to complete to get their Eco Schools Green Flag.

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