St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Reception classes travelled by double decker to visit the Wildlife Park. The weather was a bit murky, but actually improved slightly, while we walked around visiting the animals.

We were really interested in seeing the Penguins and hearing what they eat and how fast they travel when swimming.

The most popular animal had to be the Spider Monkeys! They definitely performed for us, swinging elegantly right over and knocking on the windows! Maybe they spotted other Monkeys!!! Only joking.

Liz also showed us some Arctic animal skeletons and skins. We got to hold a reindeer's antler which was very heavy.

We finished the visit spotting a wallaby hiding amongst the trees! Thanks to Freya's dad for spotting it.

We would like to thank the Friends of St Mary's for helping fund our trip.


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Reception NL

Ms Longshaw's Class

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