St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

This week it has been Science week, and in Year 4 we have been focusing on States of Matter!

We have learnt about the particles in a Solid, Liquid and Gas and demonstrated the way they look and behave in groups. Year 4 focused on the Water Cycle and the four key stages of Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection, zooming in on the changes of state within the process. We also grouped a range of materials by their properties, connecting and dividing materials through transparency, hardness and magnetism.

Year 4 have designed and conducted two experiments this week. On Wednesday we investigated the gas carbon dioxide to find out the fizziest drink out of Coke, Sprite and Fanta, and on Thursday we investigated the effect temperature has on melting and freezing by exploring what temperature of water will melt chocolate!







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Year 4/5 MP

Miss Patience's class

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