St Mary's School

The children are at the heart of everything we do.

Mrs Callow's Class

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More in the section Reception JC:

Curriculum Letters

Please find our class letters which outline the learning the children will be covering each term. Reception_Spring_Class_Letter.pdf Autumn_Reception_2024_Curriculum_letter_.pdf

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Fenella the Friendly Witch!

Today we had a very special visitor fly in to see us! It was Fenella the Friendly Witch. Fenella shared the very popular Room On a Broom with us. Some of the children got the opportunity to participate in the role play. It was great fun! Fenella explained that she could not do any real magic in sch…

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Floating and Sinking!

This week, linking in with our Story Lost and Found, the children have been exploring the concept of Floating and Sinking. They had some really good ideas why things might sink:- If you let go of your woggle in swimming you will drown! If you are heavy/ fat you will sink. If things fill up with wat…

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Having fun!

So we have been at school for 5 weeks now ! We thought you might like to see some of the fun we have had but all the time we have been learning!! Mark Making Phonics matching initial sounds. Digging! Finding the correct pictures for the sounds! Working together taking turns. Library time listening…

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Our Cricket session!

As part of our PE sessions we were very lucky to have a visit from one of our Island's cricket player/coaches, Eddie Beard. Eddie taught us some of the basic skills of cricket whilst we still had fun! We learnt to throw, catch, and move quickly around the hall. Eddie showed us the importance of bal…

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Our Poppy biscuits.

To mark Remembrance day the children decorated some plain biscuits. They mixed some food colouring and icing sugar to create the colours for the poppy. The best part was definitely eating them. We did remember those who had died, by participating in a 2 minute silence.

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Our school library.

Last week we went to the library, nothing strange, as we have been visiting here for story time since we began school. However, on Friday we got to choose a book to take home. This book is to be read with the family and this can leads to lots of discussion and asking and answering questions. The bo…

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PC Lou's visit.

This week we had a special visitor. PC Lou arrived in our class and she told us she was very impressed with the work we were doing. After break she came back and told us all about her job as a police officer. She was really happy when Kian was able to tell her that Police officers are there to keep…

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We had our first PE session last week and the children really enjoyed this. Could we just remind you to make sure all PE uniform is clearly labelled. Thanks.

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Rock Kids

Last week we had Rock Kidz in school for the first time. We celebrated our individuality and learned how special and awesome we are. We rocked out to This is me!!! Our new word we now say is YASBA which stands for You're Awesome so be Awesome!

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Rotary Santa Visit!

St Martha had a special visitor, he had a red jacket, a red hat, red trousers, black boots, and a white beard! Can you guess who? Check out our pictures below.

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Sporting Success!

Alice and Rory have been sharing their recent sporting achievements with us. Alice received her medal for competing in a gymnastic competition. Rory won his medal for playing football. Congratulations to them both, we are proud of your achievements.

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Thinker of the Week!

This is our page to celebrate out Thinker of the Week. Children will have used some of our Thinking Moves in their learning/ Congratulations to Thomas our first Thinker of the week, He used Thinking Back and Connection his phonics. Congratulations Rory! This week's Thinker of the Week. Congratulati…

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